PCPPI's business process fully digital; improves operations management and customer experience

January 05, 2021
Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines Inc.—the exclusive manufacturer of PepsiCo beverages in the Philippines—strengthens its digital transformation journey by implementing the advanced SAP Enterprise Management System. The company wants to streamline its business operations for improved financial, operational management, and enhanced customer experience. This is especially needed amid this COVID-19 pandemic.

With SAP Enterprise Management, PCPPI now has an end-to-end, up-to-date, single data platform to process information. It is now more efficient as data is translated into real-time insights and analytics. This aids in making sounder business decisions. SAP is among the market leader in enterprise management software, with 77% of the world’s transaction revenue touching a SAP system.

Along the process, PCPPI integrated eight core business procedures and existing systems to create an end-to-end enterprise management tool. Despite the challenges brought by the pandemic, the company was able to complete its nationwide roll-out this November. It covered 18 Business Units in more than 100 locations. This implementation project was made possible with the help of Fasttrack Solutions (FTSI), the only platinum partner of SAP in the Philippines.

“This is reinforcing our digital transformation. We also launched our new e-commerce platform in October because we have big ambitions for our digital journey. I am happy that we did not meet any major business obstacles through these changes. It is exciting to realize the benefits of said systems. This is us finding new ways to deliver value and service.” said Frederick D. Ong, PCPPI President and CEO. “We envision connecting faster, more efficiently with our people and customers during these challenging uncertain times. It is their best interest that we keep to heart and is at the center of our purpose.”

To formally close the SAP integration project, PCPPI, together with Fasttrack Solutions and SAP Philippines, held a virtual closing ceremony on December 17, 2020. The event attended by all the leads from the three partner companies was meant to recognize the many men and women who participated to make the integration successful. PCPPI hopes to expand its digital footprint into other aspects of the business for increased stakeholder collaboration and employee engagement.
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