PCPPI joins the International Coastal Cleanup 2018

September 22, 2018
Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. participated in the recently held International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) 2018 in coordination with the Philippine Alliance for Recycling and Materials Sustainability (PARMS) and the Lake Management Office of Muntinlupa. ICC is one of the biggest movements on coastal conservation with the Philippines participating since 1994.
PCPPI cleaned the waterway system in Muntinlupa City, home to PCPPI’s largest plant and home office. They are one of the member companies of PARMS that actively participated in the international initiative with other members participating in clean-ups in Manila Bay, Batangas, Subic, and Cebu.
This is one of the many projects supported by PCPPI as part of the company’s advocacy on sustainability and achieving a circular economy. They are also supporting the upcoming Ms. Earth and Ms. Econest pageants to promote environmental awareness.

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