Corporate Governance in Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines Inc.

The Board of Directors and Management of Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. together with its resilient employees, commit themselves to the principles and best of good governance and acknowledge that through its 2019 Manual on Corporate Governance, the attainment of our corporate goals be made possible.

PCPPI’s Manual shall institutionalize the principles of good corporate governance in the entire organization. Corporate governance herein refers to the framework of rules, systems, and processes of the Corporation that governs the performance by the Board and Management of their respective duties and responsibilities to stockholders and other stakeholders which include, among others, customers, employees, suppliers, financiers, the Government, and the community in which the Corporation operates. The Board and Management, employees and stockholders, believe that stronger corporate governance is a necessary component of what constitutes sound strategic business management and will therefore undertake every effort necessary to create awareness within the organization as soon as possible.

PCPPI 2020 Manual on Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors (“Board”) and Management, i.e. officers and staff, of Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. (“Corporation”) hereby commit themselves to the principles and best practices contained in this 2020 Manual on Corporate Governance and acknowledge that the same may guide the attainment of our corporate goals.


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